Student testimonial finishing your math online is possible!

School career and professional reorientation

My name is Joany Deslandes, I am 36 years old and I live in Longueuil. I am the mother of two children who are already 11 and 14 years old. I am currently a student at CÉGEP de Granby in theDEC in Industrial Engineering.

Before registering withChallengeU, my school career was rather classic. Like many young people, I obtained a DES. When I reached secondary 5, I decided to continue at CEGEP, in legal technology. After a discussion with my maths teacher at the time, I chose to do my regular secondary 5 maths. My teacher assured me that this course was sufficient for legal techniques and very similar to strong maths. Not being a big fan of mathematics, I opted for this option!

Unfortunately, I quickly realized that the legal field was not for me, which led me to work in another field: quality, continuous improvement, and parts inspection. 

To continue in this sector, which I like, I decided to return to CÉGEP in Industrial Engineering. However, to be admitted, I was missing the famous complementary module of strong maths (probability and statistics), which I had not done in secondary 5. 

The ideal solution for a determined mother

When I received my admission letter to the DEC in Industrial Engineering in March, I was really happy! [I was ] so excited that I forgot to read the admission requirements carefully.

At the time, I didn’t think I was missing a prerequisite course to start my CEGEP program. It was only in August, a month before classes started, that I learned that I had to pass a prerequisite in mathematics before September 18, otherwise, I would be forced to do a full year in DEC springboard. It was out of the question: I had to act, and quickly!

“I panicked a little, I blamed my whole life… I raged, I cried, but in the end, I was the only one to blame. I took control of myself. »

Before signing up with ChallengeU, I had considered the option of doing my math module at school for adults, but I didn’t like the way it was structured. One thing was certain: I wanted to do the course online and not in person. I realized that by doing it in an adult center, it boiled down to buying a manual, without explanations from the teachers, reading it, and doing it myself. I lacked a little human presence for better understanding. That’s why I chose ChallengeU!

I also knew that with ChallengeU, I could complete my course quickly. I went directly to their site to register and finish these famous math courses before September 18!

A modern and user-friendly platform

Registration was super easy. It was clear, easy, and quick. I answered a few questions, sent the requested documents and the next day I could already start working on my math lesson.

What struck me the most with ChallengeU is that the platform is really easy to understand, easy to access, and easy to use and the explanations given are clear.

When you open your module, you have lots of activities to do, which are counted in stars. It’s simple: you have to achieve a star before moving on to the next one. Everything is well thought out: the explanations, the videos, everything! The great thing is that if you don’t understand a problem, you have access to clues, videos, or even similar problems to help you solve it.

“It’s not just a website. If you have problems, you can just write a message saying that you don’t understand a point. You send a photo of your approach and a teacher will respond to you in less than 24 hours. Often, in less than 12 hours! It’s a really super human platform! »

For certain questions, teachers may even answer you by video. One of my wonderful teachers, Émilie Lapointe, sent me personalized videos on YouTube, comparing my approach (thanks to the photo I had sent her) and the problem-solving method. The first time, I understood and could move on to the next exercise.

ChallengeU is not just a platform. There are humans at the back who are extremely available and what’s more, they’re fun! The contact is truly human.

Move at your own pace (very fast)

We’re not going to lie, to pass my module quickly, I stopped having a life a bit!  I got up quite early in the morning, around 8 a.m., and went to bed around 9 p.m. In the meantime, I only did math. I wasn’t stuck on my course for long because I had quick answers from my teachers in case of doubt, which allowed me to move forward. To progress faster, I set myself objectives such as several activities to achieve per day to complete my module before September 18. 

I worked hard! The time to do my exercises on the platform, receive answers from teachers, and do my exam practice only took 8 days. You have to tell yourself that if you put in enough effort, you can progress super quickly with ChallengeU.

Some advice for combining determination and conciliation

If I had to advise people in the same situation as me, it would be to take advantage of the platform. With Challenges, it’s so easy to ask questions to teachers and progress in your course. You should not block a problem for several days. Send your questions, the teachers will be happy to answer them! They are here for you!

If you need a prerequisite for a DEC or any other course, do it without delay. Go for it!” Go for it! You are capable of achieving anything. All. Everyone can do anything. So do it! »

To succeed on the platform, it is also important to set goals. For example, say to yourself, “Today I need to achieve at least 10 stars.” To achieve this, schedule time during the week. Set aside specific time slots for study and stick to them.

It’s a sacrifice to make while putting other matters aside. The focus should be on your lessons.

For example, even though I am a mother, I was able to complete my math module in 8 days. I asked my children for help with household chores, washing dishes, or taking out the trash. You shouldn’t feel too guilty if you don’t have time to do everything. I admit that I also used meal delivery platforms quite a bit while I was doing my course! 

Equip yourself for success

Once all my activities were completed my teacher sent me a dozen additional exercises to prepare me well for the exam. Afterward, I no longer had any clues or a teacher to help me. I was on my own, which made it a little more difficult. The positive point is that it allowed me to identify the points that I still needed to improve to pass the exam. 

I did well to do these exercises because they were very similar to those in the exam

Exams with challenges

When I registered with ChallengeU, I had concerns about the exam. I wondered if I would have to drive several hours to take the exam in the school service center where I am registered, in Lac-Saint-Jean. But ultimately, we don’t have to worry, because we can spend it near our home without any problem. My school service center even took care of the registration and I didn’t have to pay anything! When you arrive at the center, everything is already ready: the note sheets are printed, and pencils and calculators are at your disposal. There’s nothing to do… except pass the exam! 

I was able to take the exam in person at a center near my home on September 2. On September 4, I received my exam grade, which had also been corrected by my teacher, Émilie Lapointe.

Continuation of studies on good foundations

The funny thing is that I was at CEGEP when I received my exam results. I was so happy to know that I had passed my maths module that I rushed to share the good news with my whole class. Until then, I was unsure. I didn’t know if I could do my DEC normally or if I should take a DEC springboard. I also felt like a bit of an impostor for taking classes when I hadn’t yet passed my maths module. 

Plus, I continue to do math in my DEC! So, it’s an advantage to have been able to review certain concepts with ChallengeU. Certainly, the level is still a little more difficult at CEGEP.

With the current situation, some courses are being done online. Unfortunately, my teachers are not as well equipped as those at ChallengeU. Communication isn’t always as smooth, but that’s okay, I’m doing well! I got 88% on my first intra-exam!

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