26 May 2024

The emergence of online learning: pros and cons

The emergence of online learning: pros and cons

The Rise of Online Learning: Empowering Education in the Digital Age

How can you train and acquire new skills when you don’t have the time or the opportunity to travel? Worse: when a health crisis confines you to your home? More than ever, distance education (or e-learning) appears to be an ideal solution, especially as the number of establishments offering this formula continues to increase. What training is available? How are the training courses presented? We tell you everything.

Item outline
  • What is distance education
  • How does this distance learning modality work?
  • The emergence of online learning
  • More flexibility
  • Adapted to all rhythms
  • It’s accessible
  • Practical
  • Less cost
  • What are the disadvantages ?
  • Requires greater discipline
  • Less interaction
  • Less commitment
  • Contact prevented
  • Health problems
  • So, does this make sense or not?

What is distance education

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of Distance Education - iDreamCareer

The concept of traditional education has changed dramatically over the past couple of years. Being physically present in a classroom is no longer the only option for learning – at least not with the rise of the Internet and new technologies. Today, you have access to quality education whenever and wherever you want, as long as you have access to a computer. We are now entering a new era – the online education revolution.

There is no need to dismiss the skepticism surrounding education via the Internet. It is difficult to understand the notion of leaving the conventional classroom behind, especially if it is to face this vast space called the Internet.

Distance education (or e-learning) is a way of training and validating a diploma remotely, that is to say without needing to go to a school to attend classes. A particularly interesting solution for people who have a daytime job (employees, stay-at-home mothers, etc.), are abroad or cannot travel.

Concretely, the student receives the lessons at home which he can study at any time. Courses are often accompanied by exercises to be completed and returned for correction by teachers. More and more establishments have moved in recent years from paper to mouse, and are now using digital tools (email, chat, video, etc.) to facilitate learning and interaction between student and teacher.

While distance learning has many advantages, including its flexibility, note that you must be particularly motivated to succeed. Before you start, take stock of the advantages and disadvantages of this formula.

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How does this distance learning modality work?

7 Ways to Make Distance Learning More Equitable | Common Sense Education

Activities with an online teacher typically take place through video or a social media platform. You can practice the exercises with the teacher or by sharing photos and videos, and access various lessons.

In certain cases, it is still possible to have access to a program of activities.

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The emergence of online learning

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To mimic the social aspects of a traditional classroom, it is best to use tools such as message boards, and Facebook groups. They make students feel like they’re not just looking at an empty bulletin board, but that they’re talking to real people. Of course, this does not replace class peers.

In a traditional classroom, students learn naturally from each other, while solving problems and working collaboratively. They are encouraged by a teacher who does not speak through a pre-recorded video. Online learning has yet to find ways to mimic life in a real classroom.

On the other hand, online learning provides teachers with precise and clear feedback on how a student interacts with the material. With the click of a button, they can see their students’ homework and where they are struggling.

Additionally, reducing workload allows teachers to adapt their skills in other ways that are more beneficial to students and the entire class. Indeed, fewer hours spent sorting files means more time spent engaging each student on an individual level. It’s this combination of personalized content and resource management that will enable teachers to lead our classrooms into the future.

What are the benefits of having an online teacher?

We list some advantages of this method below:

More flexibility

Online courses allow you to fit them wherever you want in your schedule. Normally, those who work and want to take courses in addition to their work have difficulty managing their time. Online courses allow them to decide when they are most available to study. They can take their courses while traveling by bus, car, train, or plane. This is obviously not possible in face-to-face teaching, which requires a predefined schedule and a fixed location. But online courses give you time to manage yourself to learn.

Adapted to all rhythms

Each learner works at their own pace. In case you are faster than the others, there is no need to wait for them. The opposite is also true: if you are slower, you can take your time without bothering anyone. Training can also be tailor-made depending on the level of learning.

It’s accessible

Online education allows you to study or teach from anywhere in the world. This means there is no need to travel from one place to another or follow a rigid schedule. On top of that, not only do you save time, but you also save money, which can be spent on other priorities. The virtual classroom is also available anywhere there is an internet connection, and a good way to take advantage of it is to travel. For example, if you are studying abroad and want to find a job, online education is a great choice. There is no reason to give up working or studying while exploring new and exotic places.


Distance learning, unlike face-to-face teaching, makes it possible to provide training in an asynchronous time and place.

Learners no longer need to travel and adhere to schedules. We train where we want, when we want. All you need is a WI-FI connection and a laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

E-learning allows learners who want to stay at home, for example for family reasons, to use their free time to continue learning and developing at a professional level. With distance learning, there is no need to travel or ask a teacher to come to your home; the courses will have the particularity of being carried out online. You can work in a familiar environment that makes it easy to work. In addition, a considerable saving of time is to be expected.

E-learning, when well designed, now relies on fun and varied media: videos, interactive formats, podcasts, forums, questionnaires, slideshows, etc.

Less cost

Since the professional will not have to spend on transportation and will not set aside time in their schedule just to see you, costs drop considerably. So you save money and can invest the extra money in other solutions for your health.

What are the disadvantages ?

Online teaching also has disadvantages.

Requires greater discipline

Since there is no physical classroom environment and no direct contact with the teacher, this can demotivate you. Therefore, greater discipline is necessary to not lose track and learn as much as possible

Less interaction

Online teaching facilitates remote access to a classroom, at a time that suits the learner. However, the latter may experience a feeling of isolation, due to the individual format of this type of learning, which can make them feel alone. But with continued advancements in technology, learners can engage more actively with teachers or other students, using tools such as video conferencing, social media and discussion forums.

Less commitment

Younger learners are often those who have the most problems with self-discipline. Therefore, they will be less motivated to complete their online training, because there will not have been a physically present teacher to motivate them to study.

Contact prevented

As the contact is made through an electronic device, adversities may arise, such as a power outage or lack of operator coverage, a drop in internet signal, among others, which complicates things . So, in case of any question, you may not get the answer immediately.

Health problems

Learners who take online training spend an enormous amount of time on their computers and other such devices; which can lead to visual fatigue, poor posture or other physical problems, which can affect the learner.

So, does this make sense or not?

After weighing the pros and cons, we think this option makes the most sense. As we explained above, the benefits are great and fit the lifestyle we lead today.

This way you can have a much more comfortable routine based on your specifics and this will only bring benefits. But remember: having an online teacher requires extra doses of discipline.


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